A lot of our energy is either lost or gained in the abdominal region through diet, emotional states and the hormonal secretions of insulin in response to sugar intake. The ‘stomach lock & lift’ pictured below is a strong muscular contraction of the abdomen which involves sucking and lifting it back towards the spine first and then up and underneath the rib cage. This practice effectively squeezes and tones the abdominal organs. The squeezing effect created over the pancreas for example, helps to regulate the secretion of insulin and therefore blood sugar levels and energy. In addition, the intestines receive a massage which improves blood circulation; organs are strengthened and the digestive process of peristalsis is aided resulting in improved bowel movements. This practice is also very effective in helping process strong emotions out of the region helping to soothe anxiety, anger and tension. This practice also has a stimulating effect on the solar plexus which has many subtle influences on the distribution of energy throughout the body. Note: Must always be practiced on an empty stomach and preferably with empty bowels and should be avoided by pregnant women. workplaceyoga workplacewellness